Closed Bug 475063 Opened 16 years ago Closed 16 years ago

Make the logged-out index.cgi simpler


(Bugzilla :: User Interface, enhancement, P1)




Bugzilla 3.4


(Reporter: mkanat, Assigned: guy.pyrzak)




(4 files, 17 obsolete files)

20.89 KB, patch
: review+
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
149.36 KB, image/png
319.13 KB, application/x-gzip
348.35 KB, application/x-gzip
It'd be nice to have a very simple index.cgi for logged-out users, probably with just three big buttons:

Search (Magnifying glass?) (with a quicksearch box underneath?)
File a bug (Either a vector-graphic bug or the standard "new" page icon)
Log In (the semi-standard "user bust" icon, perhaps) or perhaps Create Account with a login form underneath it.

This could probably be the same page that logged-in users see, for now, since we don't have anything really special for logged-in users on index.cgi right now.
Priority: -- → P1
For logged-in users, I suppose the third button could be Preferences? Or perhaps My Bugs.
I was kind of thinking Search would be orange, New bug would be green, and Create Account would be blue, but it's all up to you. :-) And maybe red for My Bugs.
Attached patch Patch v1 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
part one!
Attachment #359661 - Flags: review?(mkanat)
Attachment #359661 - Flags: review?(LpSolit)
Attached patch Homepage Images V1 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
The associated images. Missing dusk but it will basically be the same images but all set to the same dusk color.
Attachment #359663 - Flags: review?(mkanat)
Attachment #359663 - Flags: review?(LpSolit)
Attached image Screen Shot V1 (obsolete) —
Attached patch Simpler Homepage V2 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #359661 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #359676 - Flags: review?(mkanat)
Attachment #359676 - Flags: review?(LpSolit)
Attachment #359661 - Flags: review?(mkanat)
Attachment #359661 - Flags: review?(LpSolit)
Attached image Screen Shot V2 (obsolete) —
Attachment #359664 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached file Homepage Images V3 (obsolete) —
Attachment #359663 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #359663 - Flags: review?(mkanat)
Attachment #359663 - Flags: review?(LpSolit)
Attached patch Simpler Homepage V3 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #359676 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #359713 - Flags: review?(mkanat)
Attachment #359676 - Flags: review?(mkanat)
Attachment #359676 - Flags: review?(LpSolit)
Attached image Screen Shot V3 (obsolete) —
Attachment #359677 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #359712 - Flags: review-
Comment on attachment 359712 [details]
Homepage Images V3

The magnifier and the person have fuzzy edges, but Buggy doesn't.

Also, Buggy is flush to the bottom while the other images are centered.

Also, Buggy has some depth (the hidden "other eye") while the other images don't.
Comment on attachment 359713 [details] [diff] [review]
Simpler Homepage V3

  Just a few quick comments:

>Index: bugzilla/template/en/default/index.html.tmpl
>+   javascript_urls = [ 'js/yui/yahoo-dom-event.js' ]

  If we're going to put that on the index, let's just put it on every page.

>-   onload = 'document.forms[\'f\'].quicksearch.focus();'
>+   onload = 'onLoadActions();'

  I think it's better to use onDomReady from YUI, no? This isn't really a problem, though.

> <script type="text/javascript">
> <!--
>+function onLoadActions(){
>+    quicksearch_helptext(document.getElementById('quicksearch'), 'show');

  Why not just pass it the element id?

  Also, we usually camelCaps JavaScript functions.

>+    console.log(;

  Hmm, what's that?

>+    if( >= 7 || >= 1.9 ){
>+      document.getElementById('quicksearch_plugin').style.display = "inline";
>+    }

  Any browser that supports the OpenSearch standard supports our plugin, not just those browsers.

>+    if( >= 1.8 ){
>+      document.getElementById('sidebar').style.display = "inline";
>+    }

  That should be done with CSS tricks probably, no? Although I suppose it can stay. I'm pretty sure sidebars have been supported for much longer than that, though.

>+    document.getElementById('quicksearch_top').focus();

  Wouldn't it be clearer to focus the one in the middle of the page instead?

>+var msg = "Enter [% terms.abug %] # or some search terms";
>+function check_quicksearch( form ) {

  Does YUI have any way to instrument form elements instead of us doing this manually?

>+  <table>
>+    <tr>
>+      <td>
>+        <div id="welcome"> Welcome to [% terms.Bugzilla %].</div>

  No period necessary, and I think we can make it an h1 or something, yeah?

>+          <div class="bz_common_actions" id="enter-bug">

  Usually we do underscores for IDs, like enter_bug. I'm not certain hyphens are valid.

>+        <form id="f" name="f" action="buglist.cgi" method="get"
>+              onsubmit="return check_quicksearch(this);">

  Can we use a more descriptive id and name than f?

>+              <a href="javascript:window.external.AddSearchProvider('[% urlbase FILTER html %]search_plugin.cgi')">
>+                 Quick Search plugin

  We should probably be more descriptive than that.

>+              <span class="bz_default_hidden" id="sidebar">
>+                <a href="javascript:addSidebar()">
>+                  Add [% terms.Bugzilla %] to the Sidebar
>+                </a>
>+                &nbsp;|
>+              </span>

  Honestly, I kind of want to kill the sidebar...but I guess it's after the freeze now so we can't. You could remove the link to it, though.

  All in all, this is a really nice patch. :-) Thank you so much. :-)
Attachment #359713 - Flags: review?(mkanat) → review-
Comment on attachment 359713 [details] [diff] [review]
Simpler Homepage V3

Also, "Quick Search help" reads like the help is quick, for searching. Perhaps it should just be [Help] or something like we had before? I'll let you decide.
(In reply to comment #12)
> >Index: bugzilla/template/en/default/index.html.tmpl
> >+   javascript_urls = [ 'js/yui/yahoo-dom-event.js' ]
>   If we're going to put that on the index, let's just put it on every page.

Why? I rarely ever load the index page. If this isn't in use on another page that I do use, why should I ever have to see it? Just makes loading pages slow...
(In reply to comment #14)
> Why? I rarely ever load the index page. If this isn't in use on another page
> that I do use, why should I ever have to see it? Just makes loading pages
> slow...

  It's used on many pages. It's the base core of YUI, it's required by all other parts of YUI.
Attached patch Homepage V4 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #359713 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #360356 - Flags: review?(mkanat)
Attached file Homepage Images V4 (obsolete) —
Attachment #359712 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached image Homepage V4 Screenshots (obsolete) —
Attachment #359714 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 360356 [details] [diff] [review]
Homepage V4

>Index: bugzilla/skins/standard/index.css
>- /* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
>+ /* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public

  Oh, that's been you inserting BOMs into our files! Don't do that.

>+        width: 40ex;

  widths go in em.

>Index: bugzilla/template/en/default/index.html.tmpl
>+function onLoadActions(){

  Space between () and {

>+  quicksearchHelpText('quicksearch', 'show');

  Generally, code (including JavaScript) should have 4-space indentations.

>+  if( window.external.AddSearchProvider ){
>+    document.getElementById('quicksearch_plugin').style.display = "inline";

  Instead of setting the style on it, you should have it be bz_default_hidden and remove the class with YUI. This allows people to more easily customize the HTML to other possible types of elements.

>+  if((typeof window.sidebar == "object") && (typeof window.sidebar.addPanel == "function")){
>+    document.getElementById('sidebar').style.display = "inline";

  Same here.

>+  document.getElementById('quicksearch_top').focus();

  We should focus the in-page one, not the toolbar one.

>+var msg = "Enter [% terms.abug %] # or some search terms";

  That's a pretty generic name, likely to possibly conflict with something. How about quicksearch_message? No need to shorten it.

>+function checkQuicksearch( form ) {

  Nit: The empty line there that has a lot of extra whitespace for seemingly no reason.

>+function quicksearchHelpText(el_id, action){
>+  var el = document.getElementById(el_id);
>+  if ( action == "show") {
>+    if( el.value == "" ) {
>+      el.value = msg

  In addition to all this, we should probably slightly lighten the font when just the instructions are in there (using a CSS class) and darken the text when the user is typing in the box.

>@@ -101,57 +124,75 @@
>+          <a class="bz_common_actions" href="
>+            [% IF %]
>+              userprefs.cgi

  Hmm. Think we should change the color of the icon when it's User Preferences? Or is that just too much effort for not enough gain?

>+        <form id="quicksearchForm" name="quicksearchForm" action="buglist.cgi" method="get"

  You can leave out "method="get"", that's the default.

>+            <div id="additional_links">
>+              <a href="page.cgi?id=quicksearch.html">Quick Search help</a>
>+              <span class="bz_default_hidden" id="quicksearch_plugin"> |
>+              <a href="javascript:window.external.AddSearchProvider('[% urlbase FILTER html %]search_plugin.cgi')">
>+                 Install the Quick Search plugin
>+              </a>
>+              </span>
>+            </div>

  Hmm. Should we be good about this and make it an inline <ul>?

>+              </span>
>+              <a href="[% docs_urlbase FILTER html %]using.html">
>+                [%- terms.Bugzilla %] User's Guide
>+              </a>

  It seems kind of odd to have the User's Guide as part of this list, since the rest is all about search (or the sidebar, but that's still a "do something" link).

>+              &nbsp;|
>+              <a href="page.cgi?id=release-notes.html" > Release Notes</a>

  Oh, I guess the Release Notes are also there...maybe that's OK then...

>Index: bugzilla/template/en/default/global/header.html.tmpl
>RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/template/en/default/global/header.html.tmpl,v
>retrieving revision 1.59
>diff -u -r1.59 header.html.tmpl
>--- bugzilla/template/en/default/global/header.html.tmpl	2 Oct 2008 17:08:04 -0000	1.59
>+++ bugzilla/template/en/default/global/header.html.tmpl	3 Feb 2009 20:58:25 -0000
>@@ -195,18 +195,18 @@
>       </script>
>     [% END %]
>+    <script src="js/yui/yahoo-dom-event.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

  This should go above the inline JavaScript, so that we can use it there too.

>     [% IF javascript_urls %]
>       [% FOREACH javascript_url = javascript_urls %]
>+        [% NEXT IF javascript_url == "js/yui/yahoo-dom-event.js" %]

  No, just remove it from the templates.

>+    <script type="text/javascript">
>+      YAHOO.namespace('bugzilla');
>+      if( )
>+        YAHOO.util.Event._simpleRemove(window, "unload", YAHOO.util.Event._unload);
>+    </script>

  And that might as well go right under the yahoo-dom-event bit, now.
Attachment #360356 - Flags: review?(mkanat) → review-
Attached patch Patch V5 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
no changes to images or screenshots
Attachment #360356 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #361721 - Flags: review?(mkanat)
Attached patch v6 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Okay, I looked over it, and it looks great, code-wise. I tested it, and I had to fix some bitrot (so this is the new patch with the bitrot fixed), but it works and looks fine.

However, the images need to have transparent backgrounds instead of white backgrounds. I think the images are actually fine even on Dusk, they just need transparent backgrounds. I think PNGs would be better, too, if there's no problem with them.
Attachment #361721 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #361824 - Flags: review+
Attachment #361721 - Flags: review?(mkanat)
Holding approval because we need new images.
Flags: approval?
Attached file Hompage Images V5 (obsolete) —
Attachment #360357 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached image Homepage V4 Screenshots (obsolete) —
Attachment #360358 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 361824 [details] [diff] [review]

The only thing I want to see in this patch, actually, is that the bottom line of links should be further separated from the quicksearch help links--perhaps attached nearer the bottom of the page.
Attachment #361824 - Flags: review+ → review-
Attached image Screen Shots V5 (obsolete) —
Attachment #361860 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached patch v7Splinter Review
Attachment #361824 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #361882 - Flags: review?(mkanat)
Attachment #361859 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #361873 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #361882 - Flags: review?(mkanat) → review+
Comment on attachment 361882 [details] [diff] [review]

interdiff looks good.
When you check this in, make sure that you add the gifs and mark them as binary for CVS.
Flags: approval? → approval+
Keywords: relnote
I also removed front.png and modified to use padlock.png instead for testing, on checkin.

Checking in;
/cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/,v  <--
new revision: 1.20; previous revision: 1.19
Checking in skins/standard/index.css;
/cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/skins/standard/index.css,v  <--  index.css
new revision: 1.9; previous revision: 1.8
RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/skins/standard/index/bug.gif,v
Checking in skins/standard/index/bug.gif;
/cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/skins/standard/index/bug.gif,v  <--  bug.gif
initial revision: 1.1
Removing skins/standard/index/front.png;
/cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/skins/standard/index/front.png,v  <--  front.png
new revision: delete; previous revision: 1.1
RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/skins/standard/index/login.gif,v
Checking in skins/standard/index/login.gif;
/cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/skins/standard/index/login.gif,v  <--  login.gif
initial revision: 1.1
RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/skins/standard/index/seach.gif,v
Checking in skins/standard/index/seach.gif;
/cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/skins/standard/index/seach.gif,v  <--  seach.gif
initial revision: 1.1
Checking in template/en/default/index.html.tmpl;
/cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/template/en/default/index.html.tmpl,v  <--  index.html.tmpl
new revision: 1.41; previous revision: 1.40
Checking in template/en/default/attachment/create.html.tmpl;
/cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/template/en/default/attachment/create.html.tmpl,v  <--  create.html.tmpl
new revision: 1.38; previous revision: 1.37
Checking in template/en/default/attachment/created.html.tmpl;
/cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/template/en/default/attachment/created.html.tmpl,v  <--  created.html.tmpl
new revision: 1.23; previous revision: 1.22
Checking in template/en/default/attachment/edit.html.tmpl;
/cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/template/en/default/attachment/edit.html.tmpl,v  <--  edit.html.tmpl
new revision: 1.57; previous revision: 1.56
Checking in template/en/default/attachment/updated.html.tmpl;
/cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/template/en/default/attachment/updated.html.tmpl,v  <--  updated.html.tmpl
new revision: 1.21; previous revision: 1.20
Checking in template/en/default/bug/show.html.tmpl;
/cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/template/en/default/bug/show.html.tmpl,v  <--  show.html.tmpl
new revision: 1.27; previous revision: 1.26
Checking in template/en/default/bug/create/create.html.tmpl;
/cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/template/en/default/bug/create/create.html.tmpl,v  <--  create.html.tmpl
new revision: 1.93; previous revision: 1.92
Checking in template/en/default/bug/create/created.html.tmpl;
/cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/template/en/default/bug/create/created.html.tmpl,v  <--  created.html.tmpl
new revision: 1.16; previous revision: 1.15
Checking in template/en/default/bug/process/header.html.tmpl;
/cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/template/en/default/bug/process/header.html.tmpl,v  <--  header.html.tmpl
new revision: 1.12; previous revision: 1.11
Checking in template/en/default/global/header.html.tmpl;
/cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/template/en/default/global/header.html.tmpl,v  <--  header.html.tmpl
new revision: 1.61; previous revision: 1.60
Checking in template/en/default/list/list.html.tmpl;
/cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/template/en/default/list/list.html.tmpl,v  <--  list.html.tmpl
new revision: 1.66; previous revision: 1.65
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Attachment #361878 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #361890 - Attachment is patch: false
Attachment #361890 - Attachment mime type: text/plain → multipart/tar
Attachment #361890 - Attachment mime type: multipart/tar → application/gzip
Attachment #361890 - Attachment mime type: application/gzip → application/x-gzip
Attachment #361895 - Attachment mime type: application/gzip → application/x-gzip
Blocks: 478136
Blocks: 479164
so, a quick survey shows that we're not happy with your redesign.
(In reply to comment #36)
> so, a quick survey shows that we're not happy with your redesign.

  Is that the Royal We? If it's a few Mozilla developers, who cares? Mozilla isn't going to use that index.cgi anyway.

  Anyhow, this is something that should be discussed in some other forum, perhaps the Bugzilla developers mailing list, and preferably by the actual individuals who have the feedback, themselves. IRC is also a good place.
it's a we that includes stakeholders and people with experience and common sense.

you were pinged twice on irc. the first one timed out.
(In reply to comment #38)
> it's a we that includes stakeholders and people with experience and common
> sense.

  Lovely. More meaningless generalities.

> you were pinged twice on irc. the first one timed out.

  Well, have these "stakeholders" and "people with experience" ping me. Or Pyrzak--he's the UI lead.
both of you were pinged. you are failing to PONG. you clearly aren't able to actually use irc.
Added to the release notes for Bugzilla 3.4 in bug 494037.
Keywords: relnote
You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.


